Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Fire that burns inside

Jonathan Adrian Radliff is a pedophile. He's also a pedophile activist. He's a young man with many mental health issues and certainly not someone I'd ever want my child to be exposed to for sure.

Actually, I believe he's quite unstable. In fact he says he's had an empty, meaningless life

"Except for the anger
that raged inside of me"

He feels society has always been trying to tell him he has no place in it, not for someone such as him. So, he declared he'd make his own place.

"I'll forge an existence
with the fire that burns inside"

Jonathan started out by meeting Lux and joining tkGL. He then set about forming his own brand of activism, which included writing a speech in college about how pedophiles are just merely misunderstood and children will be safer if society will embrace pedophilia. His speech, written in typical pedo fashion, relied on discredited studies and pedo manipulated reports and statistics. He was furious when he wasn't allowed to give that speech. But that's another story.

As a monster amongst us, Jonathan tried to come out of the closet by using free online services to spread his message.
"I aim to create a world in which MAA's and childlovers can live life fulfilled"
On MySpace he wrote about pedophilia and promoted it. He was suspended. He tried it on Blogspot as well. He was suspended. In fact, we're proud to say that we hijacked the original Monster in the Closet and Rez recently took care of his version 2 when this pedophile monster tried it again. After his suspension from MySpace, Jonathan wrote letters attempting to diminish exactly what he was. He said:

"The fact that we are willing to be truthful about our attraction in such a very public way proves that we have not committed any criminal offenses - we have nothing to hide"

Would that be like any of the following perhaps?
  • Lux AKA Darren Cresswell
    He was charged with 16 counts of making indecent images, 1 count of exchanging indecent images through his website, tkGL, and 4 counts of touching a minor and rape. A little boy who he was taking care of had reported to the police that Lux had touched him and made him perform oral sex on Lux. In November of 2006, he plead guilty to making indecent images and sexual assault. The rape charge was dropped through his plea. It is not known exactly when he was finally brought into custody to serve his sentence, but he is now serving time. He also has ordered to register as a sex offender for life and can not work with children.
  • The Night Raven AKA Jeffrey Brisson
    currently being held on 3 million dollar bond for sexually molesting a three month old baby, along with his roommate and friend.......
  • Aztram AKA Harold Spurling
    A long time Pedophile activist is being held on 2 million dollars bond for committing acts against children with his partner Jeffrey
  • Jimf3 AKA James Finn III
    A leader of the online pedophile community, arrested in the act of downloading child pornography and currently sitting in jail awaiting trial
  • John Melanson AKA "Fester" and possibly "Camper"
    Another leader in the pedophile activist movement and in jail once again for abducting and molesting another child
  • Wolfman AKA Remsen McGinnis Benedict
    A boy scout leader, school bus driver, pedophile activist and currently in jail awaiting trial for possession of child pornography.
  • Jim Freeman AKA Mystic, Mystikal, Mystikwarrior, Orolan
    His activism, as the Co-founder of SOhopeful concerned issues relating to registered sex offenders and how "not dangerous" they are, while being a leader of an international pedophile ring. Currently in jail awaiting trial.
  • Taf-kat, AKA John Hodgson
  • arrested and convicted for possession of child pornography twice, once in 2000, and another time in 2006. He also collects pictures of little girls from people's family galleries online, and harasses them with lewd comments about their children and relatives and celebrates Alice Day by writing song lyrics

These guys weren't "just" pedophiles, they were activists, they were all out trying to convince you that they would never harm children, why they all just loved children.

What else I wonder, might we find about Jonathan should we choose to keep looking? I'll leave you with a few lines from one of his poems....

All I want to do is make you happy
But I can never seem to find a way
'Cause your worth more than I can ever give you,
And the petals of a rose will fall away

The truth of the matter is that little girls fade away as far as monster pedos are concerned -- their petals fall away -- their interest in them withers as they enter puberty.....but they blossom like roses into young healthy women when they develop free from the presence of filthy pedophiles.

Visit Wikisposure
to get the full story of
Catalyst of Change

HT Jacey for graphics

Quoth the Antis, Nevermore!

The pedophile message board GirlChat takes its domain name ( from an Edgar Allan Poe poem, Annabel Lee. They believe he was a pedophile and that the contents of that poem is evidence of such. But if we examine Poe's life and that poem, the assertion falls pathetically flat.

For instance, they'll say

"Poe married his 13 year old cousin Virginia when he was 27. WA LA, he was a pedo!"

The facts of Poe's life contradict the idea that he was a pedophile.

  • When he married Virginia, she was NOT a prepubescent child!

  • She suffered from tuberculosis. The evidence suggests that the two did not share a romantic love and never consummated the marriage.

  • At that time, it was not unusual for cousins to marry and the life expectancy was lower therefore it was not uncommon for girls to marry younger than they do today.

  • There is significant evidence of Poe's attraction to adult women.

  • Many scholars conclude that these facts together suggest that Poe suffered from an Oedipus complex (mother fixation) or other condition stemming from childhood which prevented him from having meaningful relationships with women. In this way, it makes perfect sense for Poe to marry someone with whom he could have a platonic relationship.

The reason they chose the poem Annabel Lee is because it contains the line "I was a child and she was a child" and on the surface appears to talk about romantic love. BUT:

  • Even if you take this line at its literal meaning, both the people here are children, NOT a child and an adult.

  • The identity of "Annabel Lee" is unknown.

  • Clearly this would not make sense if he was talking about Virginia. Indeed it doesn't make sense related to anyone in Poe's life except his first love Sarah Elmira Royster; they were teenagers when they fell in love but were separated when Poe went to university.

  • Scholars have related this poem to Poe's presumed Oedipus complex and some have suggested he wrote the poem about his mother.

  • Whether you take the poem at its literal or subtle complex meaning, there is nothing to suggest that it in anyway relates to pedophilia.

Close examination of Poe's life reveals no evidence of pedophilia. This is merely a pedophile tactic dreamed up to try to convince you they're ok. Even if Poe was a pedophile, they still wouldn't be ok.

Poe never had a relationship as an adult with a prepubescent child and that is a fact. The only evidence of pedophilia in his life is a series of misrepresentations of the truth.

And the antis demand that pedophiles misrepresent Poe NEVERMORE!

Show your support, copy and paste the code below onto your blog/website:

A big thank you to Jacey for the amazing graphic!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Who is Sarah Tofte?

Who is Sarah Tofte?

Terri Lynn Winchell

Have you heard of her?
Or has her name been lost and overshadowed
by the name of the man who murdered her.

On January 8, 1981, Michael Morales strangled her with his belt until it broke. He then hit her in the head with a hammer 23 times, dragged her across a road face down and raped her, finishing off his work by stabbing her in the chest 4 times.

Terri was 17 years old.

For this Morales was sentenced to die. But Sarah Tofte, a "researcher" for Human Rights Watch argued that lethal injection was "cruel and unusual" punishment. Sarah as a student and prison activist once argued for reform. "My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender."

I imagine with that mindset she would be very interested in reforming sex offender laws also. She identifies with the offender. She authored No Easy Answers: Sex Offender Laws in the US
This 146-page report is the first comprehensive study of US sex offender policies, their public safety impact, and the effect they have on former offenders and their families. During two years of investigation for this report, Human Rights Watch researchers conducted over 200 interviews with victims of sexual violence and their relatives, former offenders, law enforcement and government officials, treatment providers, researchers, and child safety advocates.

"Politicians didn't do their homework before enacting these sex offender laws. Instead they have perpetuated myths about sex offenders and failed to deal with the complex realities of sexual violence against children."

"Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world.

We stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice.

We investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable."

Let's look at some of the recommendations made in this report and then we'll look at what kind of "homework" and research Sarah Tofte did in this "report" sponsored by Human Rights Watch.

Here's a sampling of recommendations:

  • Accountability for those who search online databases should be ensured by requiring the database user to specify the purpose for the search, and to provide his or her name and zip code
  • eliminate public access to online registries of sex offenders
  • Congress should eliminate public access to the national sex offender registry
  • Law enforcement officials should eliminate the use of posters, flyers, and other easily replicable materials to alert communities of the presence of a registered sex offender in their neighborhood
  • Access to sex offender registries should be limited to law enforcement
  • Former offenders should not be required to register with their schools or places of employment
  • No offender who was under the age of 18 at the time of his or her offense should be required to register
  • All provisions of the Adam Walsh Act that deal with state registration and community notification requirements should be repealed
  • If Congress does not repeal the Adam Walsh Act requirements as they pertain to state registration and community notification, states should not adopt the Adam Walsh Act provisions to their registration and community notification laws
  • Neither states nor localities should have residency restriction laws that apply to entire classes of former offenders
It sounds just like the petition to free sex offenders from accountability and abolish age of consent laws, doesn't it? We wrote about that here and here and the issue was wiki'd here.
"Human Rights Watch appreciates the sense of concern and urgency that has prompted these laws. They reflect a deep public yearning for safety in a world that seems increasingly threatening. Every child has the right to live free from violence and sexual abuse. Promoting public safety by holding offenders accountable and by instituting effective crime prevention measures is a core governmental obligation.

Unfortunately, our research reveals that sex offender registration, community notification, and residency restriction laws are ill-considered, poorly crafted, and may cause more harm than good

The evidence is overwhelming, as detailed in this report, that these laws cause great harm to the people subject to them"
So now let's look at her overwhelming evidence. And where she got it. Some of the people included Zman, Daniel Chenault, Johnny Ray Lee, Butch Brown and of course Linda Pehrson. We know Linda from her previous news interview "Just call me Susie" and her inclusion in the audio portion of Sarah's "report". You see, Linda's husband molested her daughter, after serving time in prison Linda let him come back into the home. Linda aka Amy says
I think my daughter’s very strong. I was a battered women’s counselor, for about eight years, and I’m about the strongest woman you’ll ever meet, so it’s not that I’m a weak woman, and I’m a standing by my man kind of gal, cause I’m not, I want to give my daughter all the tools and techniques she needs to empower her to get on with her life, I don’t want her to be a professional victim the rest of her life. I don’t want this to define her.
So Linda Pehrson is a woman who not only stayed with the man who did this to her child, his step-daughter, but advocates bringing children's abusers back into their home with the jazzed up term 'family reunification'. Is this where Sarah got her information?

We know that she wrote to Linda asking for very specific information. In other words she solicited the responses that she wanted. She asked for people who had been victims of vigilantism, she asked for people who were victims of 'restrictive laws', she asked for people who had notification cards. She focused on the states that had the most strict SOR guidelines. She knew the answers she wanted and that's what she set out to get.

This is not a 'study' this is mere journalism. Spin doctored to suit her purpose. She says that in researching this issue she interviewed "122 sex offenders and 90 of their loved ones......and a number of victims" I would like to know how many victims she interviewed .....that weren't also offenders.

It seems she put a lot of weight on the information she got from Linda Pehrson.
Human Rights Watch Needs You

Here is a message from Human Right Watch PLEASE contact them!! Her email is toftes@...

Hi Linda. My name is Sarah. I am a researcher with Human Rights Watch. I am working on a report on sex offender laws, and how they affect convicted sex offenders and their loved ones. We received your e-mail to Human Rights Watch, and I was hoping I might be able to speak with you by phone about your experiences.

Take care,


Sarah Tofte

Human Rights Watch, U.S. Program

350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor

New York, NY 10118

Ph: 212.377.9408

Fx: 212.736.1300
I also was wondering if you have ever seen any good statistics on how many acts of vigilante violence were committed against sex offenders?
Can anyone help Sarah from Human Rights Watch with the info she needs? She is working hard for us! Linda

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Hi Linda! I have been in touch with a number of individuals in Georgia and Iowa about the effect zoning laws had on their lives. I understand there are sex offender zoning laws in at least 14 states. I was wondering if you have been in touch with others in states outside of Georgia or Iowa that have been affected by zoning laws.

Take care,

Our report is looking less at the propriety of charging juveniles with sex offenses (although we think it is wrong) as much as we are looking at the consequences of sex offender laws
To support our research, we are attempting to locate sex offenders who are struggling to live under restrictive laws. Because Georgia has one of the most exclusive zoning laws in the country, we are focusing on the experiences of sex offenders in Georgia
Your help will be invaluable in our efforts to ensure justice and fair treatment for sex offenders in the U.S. and their families
Re: [roar_4_freedom] Human Rights Organization Begins Investigation of U.S. Sex Offender

The report should be coming out SOON! I was interviewed for this report as well as having a hand behind the scenes helping Sarah Tofte of HRW with the research and contacts. I know of some others here were interviewed as well

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sarah Tofte
Date: Oct 12, 2007 5:51 PM
Subject: Huffington Post post
To: Linda Pehrson

Hi Linda. I know you will distribute far and wide. Urge people to comment.

I have been working with Sarah since last summer.Her report is going to be complete. I know that for a fact because, I sent her contacts for EVERY aspect of this issue. If she needed people, stats, research and news articles, I was more than happy to help every step of the way!

HERE we talked about what distorted statistics these people use. The eadvocate website that takes legitimate statistics and twists them and inserts the results of one question into the answer of another. And lo and behold, who did Sarah Tofte reference as one of her sources for this monstrosity she's trying to pass off as 'legitimate research'? None other than eadvocate. In fact the very page she references is one with nothing but defense of pedophilia, denial of the grooming process, and attempts to deceive regarding pedophiles, child molesters and sex offenders in general. Some of the things the blame gamers have to say about eadvocate include
Cheryl: Harvard, Have you looked at the charts on Eadvocate?

Harvard: I'm looking at the tables on eadvocate and turning those into charts. I'm also culling data from various reports

TimF: Harvard, One of my favorite stats is: "96.5% of *new sex offenses* are committed by someone who has never committed a sex offense before!"
Linda Pehrson and Cheryl Griffith aka 'equaljustice2' hijacked Shirley Lowery's SOSEN organization which created a big stir. Zman aka Michael Gregg got all agitated and Betty Price tried to calm him down. It is here that we learn more about Sarah
"Linda and Cheryl have great connections and talk to reporters, Sarah Tofte communicates with sosen on a regular basis. I could go on and on. Staff is organized. We have a great WORKING staff. And boy do they work. They get the same pay as you and me. Dedicated staff, Zman and this is all coming together

The Ohio Rally, both Linda and Cheryl are speakers, Don't tell anybody, but they have are approaching Sarah Tofte to speak at the Rally. There is a big question as to whether her being associated with sex offender advocacy groups might conflict with her position with HRW. I can see a conflict myself. It might be detrimental to the organization.

I said all that to say this. It is VITAL to all sex offender advocacy groups to get it together. No fighting on line. Getting serious about the work we do and and don't allow for anyone to be divisive. It hurts the cause. Big Time."

Graphics courtesy of Jacey

Friday, May 4, 2007

Lindsay Ashford's REAL name

Who is the real Lindsay Ashford?

Is it AP, Amator Puellularum, Bereshith, Zanthalon, Lindsay Ashford? Or is it perhaps David Alway?

David Alway
, attended RCS from first to eleventh grade, and then graduated from Mt. Eden High School in San Francisco in 1986. He changed his name to Lindsay Ashford in 1989, and gave the following reason to his alumni class: "I needed to 'find myself', and that was one of the things I felt I needed to do in order to do so...Actually, the name is Scottish (even though I haven't an ounce of Scottish blood as far as I know, but since I was adopted, I guess I'll never know...)....But as the Bard said, 'What's in a name...?'". He had lived in Prague, Czech Republic, from 1992, where he claimed he was a partner in a small telecommunications consultancy until it was closed due to the failing market. He then left the Czech Republic, leaving in May 2003 for Milan, Italy and at some point returning to America which he refers to as the "Evil Empire" before scurrying south to Central and South America where he heard little girls were easier picking.

David Alway AKA Lindsay Ashford is a pedophile, and an activist for pedophiles. He believes that children as young as 6 months old can consent to sexual activity. Further he believes that children who are exploited by adults don't suffer any ill effects from such a thing. Actually he states that any damage that does occur, only happens because parents, in his words, "go ballistic"

Lindsay likes for all eyes to be upon him. He likes to be the center of attention. He has a website called Sugar and Spice that's just for little girls. Check it out.... his attempts to rip little girls away from their parents, his attempt to destroy any trust they may have in another, his attempt to send them into battle to carry out his own personal pervert war. Read his memorial page 'Taken from our Midst' about little girls missing, raped or murdered by pedophiles. Watch him as he mocks society, and flaunts his perversions damanding that society allow him the space to spread his lies and deceits. The way he twists scientific date to give the appearance that he is 'OK' and every other person in the world besides pedophiles are screwed up. Notice especially how he denies the existence of child pornography!

Who is the real Lindsay Ashford? A man just like other men but with a different opinion? No, no the man we're talking about here...... he's stalking your children and his name is David Alway

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Happy Alice Day

Alice Day Facts

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April 25. Alice Day. A day created by heterosexual pedophiles to celebrate the abuse and exploitation of little girls. So named for Alice Liddell who inspired Lewis Carroll's monumental work Alice In Wonderland in 1862. It was a story Carroll created for Alice while rowing her and her sisters in a rowboat.

The innuendo child molesters drew from this: Carroll had to be a pedophile! Alice must've been the object of his desire! She belongs to us! No man could tell a child a story simply to entertain her, NO that's not possible!

Of course, the fact that Carroll photographed Alice only compounds the pedophile delusions.

What they don't want you to know however is the most important part of the Carroll/Liddell story. Here are a few of the highlights:
  • Fact: It is a myth that Alice was Carroll's "favorite" photographic model. There is no evidence of this.
  • Fact: Carroll often entertained women in his rooms at the University....some were married. This was against every social standard and many would be damaged if this information came to light.
  • Fact: Carroll's heirs purposefully promulgated the myth of Carroll as the blundering social misfit who was not comfortable around adults. They could not afford for the truth to come to light so they destroyed the entries in his diary that would've explained Carroll's split with the Liddell family.
  • Fact: In the late 1800's in England, adoration of children did not raise eyebrows. Entertaining married women in private quarters and owning a collection of adult porn when you're a Reverend did.
  • Fact: There is no evidence that Carroll felt anything stronger than friendship for Alice. Repeat: NO evidence that Carroll was a pedophile in general or that he had feelings for Alice specifically.
  • Fact: ALL evidence suggests that Carroll was actually just a normal person and the myth that he was a pedophile is the means the family used to hide the deep, dark family secret.....that Carroll was an adulterer at worst.
  • Fact: Carroll took Alice's older brother Harry out on the same rowboat years before Alice. This was not a romantic encounter but something Carroll had been doing to entertain the Liddell family for years before he ever took Alice.
The family hid his secrets hoping to protect his reputation. Unfortunately they unwittingly played into the hands of an even more sinister gang than British aristocracy - pedophiles.

Indeed if all available evidence is considered in context then this day to celebrate the love of Carroll's would more aptly be named Lorina Day for Alice's mother.

Of course fans and scholars alike have recognized that there is no evidence Carroll was a pedophile. But there's always a *certain* kind of person who will just never get it.

The myth that Carroll was a pedophile is only that - a myth. So much so that it even has a name (The Carroll Myth). Google the phrase, examine the evidence and decide for yourself.

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